To list all files in a directory, including hidden ones, on a Linux system, you use the ls command with specific options. The command you would typically use is:

Here’s what each part of the command does:

  • ls: The basic command used to list files and directories.
  • -l: Stands for “long listing format.” This option not only lists the files but also provides detailed information about them, including permissions, number of links, owner, group, size, and the timestamp of last modification.
  • -a: Stands for “all.” This option tells ls to list all entries, including those that start with a dot (.). In Linux, files that start with a dot are hidden by default and are not shown with the plain ls command.

When I was asked about this in my interview, I elaborated on the importance of being able to view hidden files. Hidden files in Linux are typically used for configuration settings for individual programs, user preferences, or to keep files out of the way during normal operations. For example, .bashrc is a script that runs every time a new terminal session starts in bash, setting up the environment for the user. Knowing how to list these files is crucial for system administration and troubleshooting, as it allows you to access and review configuration files and directories that are not visible by default.

I also mentioned that understanding the detailed output of ls -la is fundamental for navigating Linux systems effectively. This command provides a wealth of information about the files, including their permissions, which can be essential for diagnosing permission-related issues or ensuring that sensitive files are properly protected.